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Point of reference

"Everything we use and take for granted every day was made from rocks and sticks and dirt.
Our cars, cel-phones, computers, lamp posts, you name it was fashioned by human hands and out of what we found on the ground.
It was human imagination and creativity in all disciplines that developed the things we have and use every day and have come to rely on." - Chaz LeBreque

3-Ring History

Chaz LeBreque, the heart, soul, and science behind 3-Ring Circuits started repairing televisions, building radios, and other experiments at the age of twelve. At seventeen, he started working on amplifiers, guitars, and effects pedals. By his 20's, Chaz adapted a reputation as a tech and live sound engineer in clubs and on the road for bands like Skid Row and Bon Jovi. When not on the road, Chaz worked in repair shops servicing amps and a variety of vintage and modern gear. As Chaz matured into a journeyman audio technician, he was hired as a technician for many professional recording studios like Electric Lady Studios in New York, and for Bill Laswell at Orange Sound. While working as a resident technician at Royaltone Studios in Los Angeles (now Linda Perry's "Kung Fu Gardens"), he began analyzing equipment to really understand their inner imperfections and characteristics. After having worked on several Echoplex's and Roland Space Echo's for T-Bone Bernett, and for the band "The Bogmen" and other artists, he began his own pedal prototype using a simulator to test aspects of the circuits he was developing. By accident, this path led him to create very organic stand-alone plugins that require minimal cpu power. 3-Ring Circuit's philsophy and practice has arrived to be founded on the basis of building stream-lined, single purpose, realistic plugin translations of boutique vintage effects units without the expense and maintenance often necessary for vintage equipment. The Echolux came out so well that 3-Ring Circuits developed a plugin for another well-known and revered vintage effects unit–the Leslie rotating speaker cabinet. After thorough research, testing, and similar applied philosophy in development, 3-Ring Circuits came up with the Lezlux. These plugins have pleased and currently exist as a useful addition to producers/artists: Paul Ill (Bass Player - Linda Perry, Courtney Love), John Johnson (Duran Duran), John Kaminski (Eargasm Studios), Jason Marcuch (The White Stripes, Beck), Chris Wonzer (Barenaked Ladies)...the list goes on. 3-Ring Circuits hopes all of you will make great music in the future. Best of luck, 3-RC
